Each Wednesday and Friday of every week throughout the year shall be fasted as is customary (ie. no meat and dairy products or any bi-products thereof), including from the consumption of oil and wine, except if it happens to fall on a Feast day or period for which consumption of oil and wine is permitted. Fasting on Mondays is optional and left to the discretion of the individual. |
Each day from Monday through Friday a strict fast is held during which no consumption of any meat, dairy, oil and wine product or bi-product is permitted. On Wednesdays and Fridays only dry foods such as dried fruits and nuts are consumed according to each individuals capabilities.
Consumption of oil and wine is permitted each Saturday and Sunday throughout the Great Fast. Consumption of fish, is only permitted on the Feast of the |
+Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos |
Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday shall be fasted as is customary, including from the consumption of oil and wine.
Consumption of oil and wine is permitted on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Consumption of fish is permitted on Saturdays and Sundays. |
Each day from Monday through Friday shall be fasted as is customary, including from the consumption of oil and wine.
Consumption of oil and wine is permitted on Saturdays and Sundays. Consumption of fish is only permitted on the Feast of the |
+Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ |
Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday shall be fasted as is customary, including from the consumption of oil and wine.
Consumption of oil and wine is permitted on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Consumption of fish is permitted on the Feast of |
+The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos |
and every following Saturday and Sunday until the Sunday that either precedes or falls on the Feast of |
+St Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous, the Wonderworker |
A strict fast shall be upheld on the following Feast Days:
If any of the above Feast days falls on either a Saturday or Sunday, the consumption of oil and wine is permitted. |
A strict fast shall be upheld throughout Clean Week (first week of Great Lent; Monday thru Friday) and Holy Week (last week of Great Lent; Holy Monday thru Holy Saturday) during which no consumption of any meat, dairy, oil and wine product or bi-product is permitted. Only dry foods such as dried fruits and nuts may be consumed and preferably only after evening prayers ("Enathn" - The Ninth Hour) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week, especially on Good Friday.
No consumption of oil and wine is permitted on any day during these two weeks that may coincide with a Feast day that the consumption of oil and wine would otherwise have been permitted, |
During the week prior to Clean Week, all foods may be consumed with the exception of any meat products or bi-products. |
1 +JC = Julian Calendar and GC = Gregorian Calendar 2 The above listed dates are for the 2011 Calendar Year |